80° North into the Arctic circle

With the expeditionary tradition of the past and the trappings of the future, an array of Arctic wildlife and dramatic nature awaits you!


The landscapes of Svalbard are simultaneously brutal, yet charming. Dramatic glaciers and fjords will glisten under the midnight sun, demanding your attention, inviting your imagination to feast upon the grandeur of Svalbard’s vast beauty.

We aim to foster a deeper understanding and respect for the often controversial history and fragile ecosystems you will explore on this expedition. Our ethos is simple: “arrive curious, leave inspired”, and we promise to deliver just that

Duration: 14 days
Starts: Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen
Ends: Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen
Language: English speaking voyage

Rates are in Euros


As the unforgiving polar winter draws to an end in mid-April, the never-ending summer sun makes its return to Svalbard, setting this region alight with an array of warm hues. From this time, the sun will ebb and flow in the sky, but never dip below the horizon. This brief resurgence of summer will be the ideal backdrop for which we can set sail under the fairytale-like kiss of the Arctic sun as we journey across the remote, otherworldly landscapes of the Arctic Circle: Svalbard.


Below is our intended sailing route, but please take into consideration that wind and weather conditions may adjust our sails. This is a natural part of the adventure of sailing. Our strength is to abide by the conditions which nature gives us, never against it, still making the best out of our time.

All expedition itineraries are approximate and are designed to give you a rough idea of the sorts of places we will go and the sorts of places we will see. A true expedition must respond to the prevailing conditions such as the weather, ice, and wildlife opportunities. That being said, the backbone of the expedition will head north and then down south again roughly on the following basis.

DAY 1-2
We will first anchor in the spectacular area of Trygghamna: a historical whaling harbour surrounded by stark beauty and spectacular cliffs. Here, there are numerous colonies of glaucous gulls, kittiwakes, geese, Arctic skuas, and Brünnich’s guillemots. Next, we will sail across the Alkhornet bird cliff where thousands of kittiwakes breed. You’ll be in awe upon seeing reindeers and foxes may be searching for bird eggs.

DAY 3-4
Heading further north, we will continue on towards Eidembukta, a geologist’s paradise, whilst we will be also on the lookout polar bear tracks. We sail through the Forlandsundet and pass Poolepynten where walruses are known to gather. Minke whales and beluga whales can be spotted on the way towards Forlandsund. Photographic opportunities will be everywhere and all around us as we sail through a vast and incredible arctic landscape.

DAY 5-7
Ny Ĺlesund, one of the northernmost settlements in the world, may be visited when sailing into Kongsfjorden. The village is mainly uninhabited besides for some inspiring arctic scientists, and it is known for being the starting point of polar expeditions led by Amundsen and Nobile. Birds in the area include different species of colourful ducks and geese. Arctic foxes and reindeer may be hanging around and polar bears can often be sighted. Observing a polar bear for the first time in their natural environment will be a truly life changing experience; The islands and islets around Kongsforden provide a plentiful supply of fast ice that offer ample opportunities to see polar bears and arctic foxes.

DAY 8-10
North we go, and the expedition continues towards Fjords Kross where the magnificent “14th of July Glacier” is observed as well as immense and powerful glaciers in the backdrop. A zodiac landing will be carried out if possible, to look for foxes and identify arctic flora.

Further north still in tot he 79th parallel, Linden will take you towards Liefdefjord (Love fjord) via Kennedybreen which was a significant landmark in the Royal Navy Expedition led by Commander Constantine Phipps in 1773. Then, we will head via Smeerenburg and Sallyhamna, a sheltered anchorage reaching the northernmost parts of the Svalbard archipelago.

Polar bear sightings are now more likely than ever on the edge of the fast ice. A likely anchorage is the lovely secluded Mushamna (Mouse harbor) in Liefdefjord and there we will head around Velkonspynten, into Liefdefjord and witness the beauty of the amazing Monaco Glacier and the colour contrast with the tundra landscape, among other natural Arctic wonders.

DAY 11-14
After reaching the most northern areas of beautiful Svalbard, right at the limit of the sea ice just past the 80th parallel, Linden will now take a southerly course, sailing through the Fuglefjord (Bird fjord), Smeerenburg and towards Isfjorden, stopping at new places along the way. We will likely drop anchor on the last night of our expedition at Trygghamna to enjoy a wonderful dinner in a beautiful evening sunset. On the final day of the expedition, we will arrive at the harbour of Longyearbyen.


Below is our intended sailing route, but please take into consideration that wind and weather conditions may adjust our sails. This is a natural part of the adventure of sailing. Our strength is to abide by the conditions which nature gives us, never against it, still making the best out of our time.

All expedition itineraries are approximate and are designed to give you a rough idea of the sorts of places we will go and the sorts of places we will see. A true expedition must respond to the prevailing conditions such as the weather, ice, and wildlife opportunities. That being said, the backbone of the expedition will head north and then down south again roughly on the following basis.

DAY 1-2
We will first anchor in the spectacular area of Trygghamna: a historical whaling harbour surrounded by stark beauty and spectacular cliffs. Here, there are numerous colonies of glaucous gulls, kittiwakes, geese, Arctic skuas, and Brünnich’s guillemots. Next, we will sail across the Alkhornet bird cliff where thousands of kittiwakes breed. You’ll be in awe upon seeing reindeers and foxes may be searching for bird eggs.

DAY 3-4
Heading further north, we will continue on towards Eidembukta, a geologist’s paradise, whilst we will be also on the lookout polar bear tracks. We sail through the Forlandsundet and pass Poolepynten where walruses are known to gather. Minke whales and beluga whales can be spotted on the way towards Forlandsund. Photographic opportunities will be everywhere and all around us as we sail through a vast and incredible arctic landscape.

DAY 5-7
Ny Ĺlesund, one of the northernmost settlements in the world, may be visited when sailing into Kongsfjorden. The village is mainly uninhabited besides for some inspiring arctic scientists, and it is known for being the starting point of polar expeditions led by Amundsen and Nobile. Birds in the area include different species of colourful ducks and geese. Arctic foxes and reindeer may be hanging around and polar bears can often be sighted. Observing a polar bear for the first time in their natural environment will be a truly life changing experience; The islands and islets around Kongsforden provide a plentiful supply of fast ice that offer ample opportunities to see polar bears and arctic foxes.

DAY 8-10
North we go, and the expedition continues towards Fjords Kross where the magnificent “14th of July Glacier” is observed as well as immense and powerful glaciers in the backdrop. A zodiac landing will be carried out if possible, to look for foxes and identify arctic flora.

Further north still in tot he 79th parallel, Linden will take you towards Liefdefjord (Love fjord) via Kennedybreen which was a significant landmark in the Royal Navy Expedition led by Commander Constantine Phipps in 1773. Then, we will head via Smeerenburg and Sallyhamna, a sheltered anchorage reaching the northernmost parts of the Svalbard archipelago.

Polar bear sightings are now more likely than ever on the edge of the fast ice. A likely anchorage is the lovely secluded Mushamna (Mouse harbor) in Liefdefjord and there we will head around Velkonspynten, into Liefdefjord and witness the beauty of the amazing Monaco Glacier and the colour contrast with the tundra landscape, among other natural Arctic wonders.

DAY 11-14
After reaching the most northern areas of beautiful Svalbard, right at the limit of the sea ice just past the 80th parallel, Linden will now take a southerly course, sailing through the Fuglefjord (Bird fjord), Smeerenburg and towards Isfjorden, stopping at new places along the way. We will likely drop anchor on the last night of our expedition at Trygghamna to enjoy a wonderful dinner in a beautiful evening sunset. On the final day of the expedition, we will arrive at the harbour of Longyearbyen.


All meals on board (breakfast-lunch-dinner)

Accommodation on board, incl. bedding & towels

Additional guided zodiac excursions to shore


Tus vuelos desde y hacia Svalbard

Bebidas alcohólicas y refrescos.

Propinas para la tripulación (discrecionales)

* The prices are per person in US Dollars, unless expressly specified in a different currency. In that case, payment will be in US dollars at the exchange rate of the day.
** All prices will be re-confirmed by email at the time of booking.
NOTE: Embracing the unexpected is part of the legacy—and excitement—of expedition travel. When traveling in extremely remote regions, your expedition staff must allow the sea, the ice and the weather to guide route and itinerary details. This itinerary is a tentative outline of what you’ll experience on this voyage; please be aware that no specific itinerary can be guaranteed.


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