Svalbard Pioneer Cruise

Svalbard Circumnavigation Micro Cruise (12 guests)


Join on a truly unique in-depth 14-day Svalbard circumnavigation cruise. As the sea around Svalbard opens up from the ice during the summer months it gives the opportunity to take you on a most detailed exploration of the archipelago. The focus on this trip is on exploring and youwill be making daily shore landings with the expedition leader and guide to experience the raw beauty and majestic nature of Svalbard. The aim is to circumnavigate Spitsbergen and to explore the Austfonna Ice Cap depending on conditions.

Duration: 14 days
Starts: Longyearbyen
Ends: Longyearbyen
Language: English Speaking Voyage

*Prices are in EUROS


PLEASE NOTE: The itinerary below is a guide only. A part of any Arctic adventure is the flexibility to take advantage of the weather and ice conditions. Our expedition leader will make sure you see as much a possible.


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Day 1-2: Longyearbyen and Prins Karls Foreland
Our exciting expedition departs from the port of Longyearbyen in the afternoon. The overall schedule is flexible to allow us to see as much as possible and will be led by our highly experienced leader. Taking advantage of the beautiful 24-hour sunlight we will sail out of the Isfjord and towards Prins Karls Foreland where we will do shore landings and visit a walrus colony on day 2. Our plan is to sail north and attempt a clockwise circumnavigation of Spitsbergen.

Day 3-5: Ny-Alesund, Kongsfjord and Ice Edge
As we head north our first port of call is the scientific community of Ny-Alesund, the most northerly inhabited settlement on earth which is home to an interesting historical site and museum. We will explore the majestic Kongsfjord and the fjords that branch into it. We will sail close to an impressive calving glacier face and there will also be an opportunity for hikes ashore with our expedition leader. We will then sail north and if we have calm conditions attempt to reach the edge of the sea ice which extends all the way to the North Pole, a really impressive sight.

Day 6-8: Nordaustlandet and Hinlopen Strait
We will sail along the north coast of Spitsbergen keeping a lookout for wildlife including polar bears that inhabit the area. Depending on the sea ice conditions, we aim to continue along the north coast to reach the island of Nordaustlandet and cruise along the Austfonna Ice Cap, a truly breathtaking sight. If the sea ice doesn’t allow us access then the other option is to head south through the Hinlopen Strait. We aim to make shore landings on a daily basis to explore the majestic wilderness of this area.

Day 9-13: Southern Spitsbergen
We will follow the compass south and explore the region along the south coast of Spitsbergen. We will visit rarely visited landing sites and have lots of chances to take in the breathtaking nature, wildlife, and scenery. As we round the southern tip of Spitsbergen, we will enter the area around Hornsund where we will have a day to explore and do some wilderness hikes. We will then set sail north along the coast towards Longyearbyen.

Day 14: Longyearbyen
Safely back in the port of Longyearbyen after our epic 14-day cruise we will enjoy a final breakfast together. We say our goodbyes and disembark in the morning after making new friends and sharing an incredible adventure together.


Day 1-2: Longyearbyen and Prins Karls Foreland
Our exciting expedition departs from the port of Longyearbyen in the afternoon. The overall schedule is flexible to allow us to see as much as possible and will be led by our highly experienced leader. Taking advantage of the beautiful 24-hour sunlight we will sail out of the Isfjord and towards Prins Karls Foreland where we will do shore landings and visit a walrus colony on day 2. Our plan is to sail north and attempt a clockwise circumnavigation of Spitsbergen.

Day 3-5: Ny-Alesund, Kongsfjord and Ice Edge
As we head north our first port of call is the scientific community of Ny-Alesund, the most northerly inhabited settlement on earth which is home to an interesting historical site and museum. We will explore the majestic Kongsfjord and the fjords that branch into it. We will sail close to an impressive calving glacier face and there will also be an opportunity for hikes ashore with our expedition leader. We will then sail north and if we have calm conditions attempt to reach the edge of the sea ice which extends all the way to the North Pole, a really impressive sight.

Day 6-8: Nordaustlandet and Hinlopen Strait
We will sail along the north coast of Spitsbergen keeping a lookout for wildlife including polar bears that inhabit the area. Depending on the sea ice conditions, we aim to continue along the north coast to reach the island of Nordaustlandet and cruise along the Austfonna Ice Cap, a truly breathtaking sight. If the sea ice doesn’t allow us access then the other option is to head south through the Hinlopen Strait. We aim to make shore landings on a daily basis to explore the majestic wilderness of this area.

Day 9-13: Southern Spitsbergen
We will follow the compass south and explore the region along the south coast of Spitsbergen. We will visit rarely visited landing sites and have lots of chances to take in the breathtaking nature, wildlife, and scenery. As we round the southern tip of Spitsbergen, we will enter the area around Hornsund where we will have a day to explore and do some wilderness hikes. We will then set sail north along the coast towards Longyearbyen.

Day 14: Longyearbyen
Safely back in the port of Longyearbyen after our epic 14-day cruise we will enjoy a final breakfast together. We say our goodbyes and disembark in the morning after making new friends and sharing an incredible adventure together.

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Expert Svalbard Expedition Leader
Lectures on Svalbard
Use of Zodiac (Dinghies) for shore landings and photography opportunities
Polar Bear protection guides for shore landings
Full Board (breakfast, lunch and dinner + alcoholic drinks with evening meal)
Bedding and towels
Highly experienced Captain and Cook
Rubber boots for shore landings
Transfers from airport to hotel and to vessel for embarkation + vessel to airport/hotel after disembarkation


Travel and cancellation insurance
Any additional expenses such as museum entry

* The prices are per person in US Dollars, unless expressly specified in a different currency. In that case, payment will be in US dollars at the exchange rate of the day.
** All prices will be re-confirmed by email at the time of booking.
NOTE: Embracing the unexpected is part of the legacy—and excitement—of expedition travel. When traveling in extremely remote regions, your expedition staff must allow the sea, the ice and the weather to guide route and itinerary details. This itinerary is a tentative outline of what you’ll experience on this voyage; please be aware that no specific itinerary can be guaranteed.


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