Fly to the South Pole

Fly to the South Pole, where all 360 lines of longitude meet and in a few steps you can walk around the world.

South Pole

History comes alive as you stand at 90° South, the ultimate goal of polar explorers Amundsen and Scott. Imagine how it felt to head out across the frozen continent and into the unknown over 100 years ago.

Duration: 7 days
Starts: Punta Arenas, Chile
Ends: Punta Arenas, Chile
Language: English Speaking Voyage

*Camping during this trip is different than what is described in the regular activity. Please ask for more information.

USD54,500 .-

Per person. Shared Facilities
7 Dec 2022
9 Jan 2023


*Please notice: No two Antarctic experiences are the same. This is part of the excitement and adventure of Antarctic travel. The itinerary above highlights typical activities and experiences. Exact timeline and details will vary from trip to trip. Trip length may vary by departure. Please anticipate delays and do not plan anything important after the trip and make sure you have a changeable airline ticket. Allow yourself to enjoy this unique experience without the stress of pending commitments. The trip is operated by Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions.


© Russ Hepburn

Day 00: Arrival Day, Punta Arenas, Chile

Day 0: Pre-departure Day, Luggage Pick-Up & Briefing

Day 1: Fly to Antarctica*
You will be called at your hotel in the morning to get a update of the current conditions in Antarctica. If the weather is suitable for the flight, you will be picked up at your hotel within the hour.

At the Punta Arenas airport, you will board the chartered jet for the 4¼ hour flight to Antarctica. The route crosses the Drake Passage, then follows the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula and the spine of the Ellsworth Mountains. You land on a naturally occurringblue-ice runway on Union Glacier where you will take your first steps on Antarctica, then climb aboard one of the specially-adapted vans for the 5 mi (8 km) shuttle to the camp. The staff will provide a welcome tour of the camp and show you to your tent.

*Every effort will be made to keep to the scheduled flight date and you will depart as soon as weather and runway conditions permit. Please understand that delays are common in Antarctic travel. All flights are dependent on weather, aircraft serviceability, and local conditions. The staff will stay in close contact with you and will provide you with regular flight updates.

Day 2-5: Explore Union Glacier
During your week stay in Antarctica, you’ll have multiple days to explore Union Glacier. The meteorologists will carefully monitor the weather conditions and find the best day for your South Pole Flight. A typical day at Union Glacier starts with a briefing after breakfast where you’ll meet with your guide to discuss the day’s options and choose an activity tailored to the weather and the group’s interest. Union Glacier excursions can include any of the following destinations:

Elephant’s Head
Ride in one of our vehicles to this dramatic marble buttress overlooking the blue-ice runway. Beautiful ice pools and moraines offer endless opportunities for photography. If you’re looking for something more active, you’ll have the opportunity to hike up to the base of Elephant’s Head or all the way to the top of Rhodes Bluff for panoramic views of Union Glacier and the Heritage Range.

Drake Icefall
Named in the 1960s after geologist Benjamin Drake IV, this impressive icefall tumbles off the polar plateau into Union Glacier. Winds from the South Pole carve huge waves into the blue-ice and polish the surface into a high shine.

Charles Peak Windscoop
Discover the power of wind on ice as you wander through a sparkling turquoise corridor. If you’re truly adventurous, this is a prime place to try ice climbing with one of our experienced guides. For the less vertically inclined, you can rock hunt to your heart’s content. Just remember to leave them in place, as nothing may be removed from Antarctica.

The Beach at Rossman Cove
Another spectacular setting for blue-ice photography and panoramic views! Take cross-country skis with you or a picnic lunch and enjoy Antarctica’s version of a glacial beach getaway.

Hidden Valley
The staff’s favorite getaway — this secret canyon opens up to a beautiful valley prime for hiking, climbing, and backcountry skiing.

If you’d prefer to stay closer to camp, there are a variety of activities for all abilities. You can check out a pair of cross-country skis or a fat-tire bike and take a spin around the groomed 10k loop or you can enjoy a cup of tea, an Antarctic book, or fun game in the camp library. In the evenings, lectures are regularly offered and well as films tailored to your experience.

Flexible Flight Day - Fly to the South Pole
Once weather conditions permit, you will board a ski aircraft and head for the southernmost point on Earth! Your flight is planned to return the same day but food and camping equipment will be brought in the event weather conditions change and an overnight stay is necessary. The services team will assist you in packing your sleeping bag.

The flight to the Pole will take between 4-6 hours depending on the aircraft. You’ll fly over the high polar plateau, viewing wind affected snow called sastrugi, crevasse fields, and an endless expanse of white. You’ll pass the Thiel Mountains approximately halfway to the Pole and continue to fly over the plateau. As you near 90° South, you will catch sight of the South Pole station, a cluster of buildings surrounded by snow and sky. The aircraft lands on a groomed ski-way and you’ll deplane near the South Pole marker. Here all 360 lines of longitude meet and beneath your feet the ice is almost 10,000 ft (3000 m) thick!

The United States of America maintains a research station at the South Pole, named Amundsen-Scott Station in memory of those intrepid explorers. If United States Antarctic Program (USAP) staff are available, you will be escorted inside the research station for a guided visit.

Outside the station, you will have plenty of time to take photos at both the Geographic and Ceremonial Poles. Enjoy this special place and imagine how it must have felt to stand here a century ago with only the sound of the wind and an endless expanse of white stretching northward in all directions.

Your visit to the Pole will last approximately 3-4 hours. Given the cold conditions and altitude, this is the perfect amount of time for guests to accomplish their objectives and enjoy the experience.

*Day 6 or 7: Return to Punta Arenas, Chile
When weather and runway conditions permit, the intercontinental aircraft will arrive at Union Glacier to transport you back to Chile. The staff will meet you at the airport and transfer you back to your hotel.


Day 00: Arrival Day, Punta Arenas, Chile

Day 0: Pre-departure Day, Luggage Pick-Up & Briefing

Day 1: Fly to Antarctica*
You will be called at your hotel in the morning to get a update of the current conditions in Antarctica. If the weather is suitable for the flight, you will be picked up at your hotel within the hour.

At the Punta Arenas airport, you will board the chartered jet for the 4¼ hour flight to Antarctica. The route crosses the Drake Passage, then follows the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula and the spine of the Ellsworth Mountains. You land on a naturally occurringblue-ice runway on Union Glacier where you will take your first steps on Antarctica, then climb aboard one of the specially-adapted vans for the 5 mi (8 km) shuttle to the camp. The staff will provide a welcome tour of the camp and show you to your tent.

*Every effort will be made to keep to the scheduled flight date and you will depart as soon as weather and runway conditions permit. Please understand that delays are common in Antarctic travel. All flights are dependent on weather, aircraft serviceability, and local conditions. The staff will stay in close contact with you and will provide you with regular flight updates.

Day 2-5: Explore Union Glacier
During your week stay in Antarctica, you’ll have multiple days to explore Union Glacier. The meteorologists will carefully monitor the weather conditions and find the best day for your South Pole Flight. A typical day at Union Glacier starts with a briefing after breakfast where you’ll meet with your guide to discuss the day’s options and choose an activity tailored to the weather and the group’s interest. Union Glacier excursions can include any of the following destinations:

Elephant’s Head
Ride in one of our vehicles to this dramatic marble buttress overlooking the blue-ice runway. Beautiful ice pools and moraines offer endless opportunities for photography. If you’re looking for something more active, you’ll have the opportunity to hike up to the base of Elephant’s Head or all the way to the top of Rhodes Bluff for panoramic views of Union Glacier and the Heritage Range.

Drake Icefall
Named in the 1960s after geologist Benjamin Drake IV, this impressive icefall tumbles off the polar plateau into Union Glacier. Winds from the South Pole carve huge waves into the blue-ice and polish the surface into a high shine.

Charles Peak Windscoop
Discover the power of wind on ice as you wander through a sparkling turquoise corridor. If you’re truly adventurous, this is a prime place to try ice climbing with one of our experienced guides. For the less vertically inclined, you can rock hunt to your heart’s content. Just remember to leave them in place, as nothing may be removed from Antarctica.

The Beach at Rossman Cove
Another spectacular setting for blue-ice photography and panoramic views! Take cross-country skis with you or a picnic lunch and enjoy Antarctica’s version of a glacial beach getaway.

Hidden Valley
The staff’s favorite getaway — this secret canyon opens up to a beautiful valley prime for hiking, climbing, and backcountry skiing.

If you’d prefer to stay closer to camp, there are a variety of activities for all abilities. You can check out a pair of cross-country skis or a fat-tire bike and take a spin around the groomed 10k loop or you can enjoy a cup of tea, an Antarctic book, or fun game in the camp library. In the evenings, lectures are regularly offered and well as films tailored to your experience.

Flexible Flight Day - Fly to the South Pole
Once weather conditions permit, you will board a ski aircraft and head for the southernmost point on Earth! Your flight is planned to return the same day but food and camping equipment will be brought in the event weather conditions change and an overnight stay is necessary. The services team will assist you in packing your sleeping bag.

The flight to the Pole will take between 4-6 hours depending on the aircraft. You’ll fly over the high polar plateau, viewing wind affected snow called sastrugi, crevasse fields, and an endless expanse of white. You’ll pass the Thiel Mountains approximately halfway to the Pole and continue to fly over the plateau. As you near 90° South, you will catch sight of the South Pole station, a cluster of buildings surrounded by snow and sky. The aircraft lands on a groomed ski-way and you’ll deplane near the South Pole marker. Here all 360 lines of longitude meet and beneath your feet the ice is almost 10,000 ft (3000 m) thick!

The United States of America maintains a research station at the South Pole, named Amundsen-Scott Station in memory of those intrepid explorers. If United States Antarctic Program (USAP) staff are available, you will be escorted inside the research station for a guided visit.

Outside the station, you will have plenty of time to take photos at both the Geographic and Ceremonial Poles. Enjoy this special place and imagine how it must have felt to stand here a century ago with only the sound of the wind and an endless expanse of white stretching northward in all directions.

Your visit to the Pole will last approximately 3-4 hours. Given the cold conditions and altitude, this is the perfect amount of time for guests to accomplish their objectives and enjoy the experience.

*Day 6 or 7: Return to Punta Arenas, Chile
When weather and runway conditions permit, the intercontinental aircraft will arrive at Union Glacier to transport you back to Chile. The staff will meet you at the airport and transfer you back to your hotel.

© Russ Hepburn


-Airport transfers in Punta Arenas, Chile
-Round trip flight to Antarctica from Punta Arenas
-Round trip flight to South Pole from Union Glacier, Antarctica
-Meals and tented accommodation in Antarctica
-Antarctic guides and lecturer
-Celebration dinner and Certificate of Achievement
-Checked luggage up to 55 lb (25 kg)
-The trip is climate compensated


-Insurance coverage—personal, medical, evacuation, or otherwise
-Commercial flights to and from Punta Arenas
-Airport transfers outside of Punta Arenas
-Meals and accommodation in Punta Arenas
-Additional flights within Antarctica
-Personal equipment and clothing
-Expenses incurred due to delays
-Luggage over 55 lb (25 kg)
-Satellite phone charges

* The prices are per person in US Dollars, unless expressly specified in a different currency. In that case, payment will be in US dollars at the exchange rate of the day.
** All prices will be re-confirmed by email at the time of booking.
NOTE: Embracing the unexpected is part of the legacy—and excitement—of expedition travel. When traveling in extremely remote regions, your expedition staff must allow the sea, the ice and the weather to guide route and itinerary details. This itinerary is a tentative outline of what you’ll experience on this voyage; please be aware that no specific itinerary can be guaranteed.


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