Northern Odyssey: from Scotland to Svalbard 2025

Join us on a spectacular voyage, island-hopping from Scotland all the way to Svalbard, next to the North Pole

North Atlantic Isles

Cruising from Scotland to the lush green islands of Orkney, Shetland, the Faroe Islands, and onwards to the high Arctic islands of Jan Mayen and Svalbard, this adventure delivers fair-lighted days and matchless landscapes and seascapes. Our journey begins in Aberdeen, Scotland's Granite City, where we embark on Albatros Expeditions’ modern vessel Ocean Albatros, our home for the next 12 days. Migrating birds, dolphins, and whales are only some of the sights we hope to see this cruise through the wild North Atlantic.

Duration: 12 days
Starts: Aberdeen, Scotland
Ends: Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen
Language: English speaking voyage


Departing the bustling port of Aberdeen, our first stop is the cozy town of Lerwick, capital of the Shetland Islands, followed by an afternoon stop at the Isle of Noss - a small isle hosting one of the largest and most spectacular mixed-species bird colonies in the UK. We sail further north to the fabled Faroe Islands, making our first landing at the beautiful village of Vágur, and then on to the capital and largest city of Tórshavn. Explore this small but perfectly formed capital, famous for its ancient Norse heritage and beautifully preserved turf-roofed buildings.

From the Faroe Islands, we venture into the unknown, heading for the enigmatic isle of Jan Mayen, Earth's northernmost volcano and one of the most isolated and spectacular islands anywhere in the world. This island is home to vast numbers of seabirds, and is an excellent place to spot whales, which like us, are migrating northwards. From Jan Mayen, we will set a course for Svalbard, following the migrating birds which come to nest on this isolated high Arctic archipelago. This far north, the sun never sets, and life moves at a frenetic rhythm as wildlife feed and raise their young on summer's brief bounty. Seabirds, seals, walrus and reindeer are just some of the wildlife we hope to find in this high Arctic paradise - maybe even a glimpse of the polar bear, King of the Arctic.

There are few wilder, more magnificent and untouched places than the Arctic islands of the North Atlantic! And few ships better suited than Ocean Albatros for such a voyage. Experience with us!


Our journey begins in Aberdeen, Scotland's famous Granite City. The city of Aberdeen is one of the wealthiest in the UK with a long and illustrious history. The modern city grew out of a rich fishing and shipbuilding tradition, and has since become the UK's main port serving the oil and gas industry. The glittering granite buildings for which the city is nicknamed demonstrate the prestige and power of northern Scotland's economic hub.

Our expedition vessel awaits embarkation in the city's bustling harbour, with comfortable staterooms ready to welcome our guests. After our mandatory safety briefings and lifeboat drill, your floating home for the next eleven days will sail out of Aberdeen and chart a course for the ancient Isles of Shetland.

On the morning of the second day of our voyage, Ocean Albatros will arrive at Lerwick on the Mainland of Shetland. The Shetland Islands consist of over a hundred islands, of which only sixteen are inhabited year-round. The islands form the northernmost part of the United Kingdom, located approximately 300 km north of the Scottish mainland.

The history of Shetland dates back to the Neolithic period, and Shetland was part of the Kingdom of Norway until the late 1400s; the Norn language, derived directly from Old Norse was spoken on the islands until the 1850s, peppering the placenames and slang of Shetland with Viking heritage. Norse connections are strong here, from the Shetland flag to the Up Helly Aa Fire Festival, held every year in midwinter. Modern Lerwick is a prosperous, bustling town, which thrives on the oil, gas and green energy industries, and increasingly on tourism. Enjoy a stroll through the town's busy high street, lined with independent shops selling local products, immerse yourself in history at the Shetland Museum and Archives, or watch the local ferries come and go from the busy harbourfront.

An optional coach excursion exploring the highlights of Shetland is offered this day.

Vágur is a small village situated on the windy island of Suðuroy, the southernmost of the Faroe Islands. Being one of the largest and more isolated islands in the archipelago, Suðuroy locals are known for their distinctive language dialect, history, and practical no-nonsense attitude. The village is typically Faroese, with colourful clapboard houses clustered around the village harbour, which sits at the end of a sheltered fjord backed by sweeping layered basalt mountains.

The village of Vágur is first referenced in Norse litarature in 1350, when it was mentioned that several dogs and their owners lived in the area. The village has been a hub for the Faroese fishin industry since, and was the site where Nólsoyar Páll constructed the first Faroese ship in centuries, challenging the long-standing Danish trade monopoly.

Vágur sits amid some of the Faroe Islands most spectacular nature, offering a multitude of opportunities to see these islands' wild side. The large lake Vatnið sits on the edge of the village, and is an excellent spot to see the islands' native bird life - with further oppotunities to birdwatch and learn about the island's fishing history at the nearby coastline of Vágseiðið. A huge number of hiking trails begin in Vágur, including the spectacular trail to Eggjarnar which overlooks the dramatic cliffs of the west coast of Suðuroy, exposed to the raw fury of the North Atlantic. The town also hosts several excellent museums, including the works of local painter Ruth Smith.

We arrive in the early morning at Tórshavn, one of the smallest capitals in the world, ruling the scattered eighteen islands that make up the Faroes. An autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark, the Faroe Islands are situated roughly equidistant from Norway, Iceland and Scotland. 'Føroyar' (as the islands are locally known) is a corruption of the Old Norse roughly meaning 'Sheep Islands', hinting at the island's long sheep farming tradition and Norse roots. The local Faroese language is closely related to Icelandic and Old Norse, and indeed to the Norn language once spoken in Shetland and Orkney (with which the Faroes share ancient historical ties).

While not as cold as nearby Iceland, the Faroe Islands are nonetheless known for their challenging weather, largely due to their isolated location in the North Atlantic - here, the frigid sea rules life, and experiencing four seasons in the same day (or even hour!) is not uncommon. Nonetheless, their northerly location creates long light summer days, and while the weather is rarely warm, the climate is perfect for exploring!

Centred around the grass-roofed Parliament on Tinganes (one of the oldest in the world), Tórshavn - or simply 'Havn' as the locals call it - has a fascinating history. Originally a trading post established by Norwegian kings and operated as a monopoly by the Danish crown, Tórshavn was proclaimed a town in 1866 and has been the capital of the islands ever since. In the aftermath of British occupation during the Second World War, a narrowly contested referendum almost resulted in Faroese independence, after which the islands were granted autonomy.

Today, the Faroes operates as its own nation, excluding foreign affairs, defence and policing (which are handled by Denmark), and Tórshavn is a modern bustling city in miniature. Explore Skansin, the 16th century fort which found a modern use as the British garrison during WWII, experience Faroese culture at the Listasvn Føroya Art Museum, or shop for snuggly woollen goods in the city's many boutique shops. Explore the old Faroes in the city Cathedral, or the new Foroes in the architectural marvel of the Nordic House cultural centre. Alternately, unwind on a sunny terrace on Bryggjubakki (the waterfront area modelled on Copenhagen's famous Nyhavn) and indulge in a fresh local seafood lunch with a view of Tinganes- perhaps with a crisp local beer to match!

An optional coach excursion exploring the highlights of the Faroe Islands is offered this day.

Leaving the Faroe Islands behind, Ocean Albatros will spend a day at sea en route to Jan Mayen, an isolated volcanic island roughly equidistant between Greenland, Svalbard and Iceland. Here, warmer water from the Atlantic meets the cold waters of East Greenland, often producing murky foggy conditions. However, the mixing of currents produces rich waters which nourish the wildlife of the area - from the vast shoals of herring so important to towns like Tórshavn, to the whales which grow more common as we approach the shores of Jan Mayen.

Days at sea are never dull. We will arrange a variety of activities onboard for our guests to enjoy to engage the mind, body and soul. Join your knowledgeable Expedition Team lecturers in the Theatre to hear specially-crafted lectures on local history, wildlife, geology, culture and more, unwind with a massage in the Albatros Polar Spa, or simply watch the seabirds gliding along the ship from our hot tubs as the Ocean Albatros flies across the Arctic Circle into parts unknown.

The active volcanic island of Jan Mayen lies approximately mid-way between Svalbard, Greenland and Iceland. If not exactly in the middle of the Greenland Sea, it is located precisely on the Mid Atlantic Ridge, the reason for its volcanic existence. This enigmatic and isolated island is the only active volcano in Norway, and the northernmost active volcano in the world - although the almost perpetual clouds and fog hovering over the summit can make it hard to spot! The volcanic peak of Mt. Beerenberg reaches 2,277m altitude - making it one of Norway's 300 summits exceeding 2000m.

The island is inhabited by only 18 persons, a mixture of scientists running the meteorological station and Norwegian Military personnel. Subject to strong winds and large swell, landing on this incredibly remote island can be challenging; we will try to go ashore at the narrowest part of the island, from either south or north, depending on the prevailing wind and surf. The volcanic origin of Jan Mayen is visible all over with cinder cones, lava flows and the Mount Fuji-like appearance of Beerenberg looming above. On the bare rock of the shores, creeping tundra plants and squabbling seabirds eek out a living in the extreme polar environment of the island.

From Jan Mayen, we set a northeasterly course, aiming for the high Arctic islands of Svalbard. Situated approximately 800km north of the Norwegian mainland, Svalbard is extremely remote and isolated; Longyearbyen, the islands' "capital" lies only 1200km from the North Pole, 800km closer than Oslo.

Sailing to Svalbard requires a ship capable of handling any ice or rough weather which may be encountered in these northerly seas. To the west of Jan Mayen lies the West Ice, a vast expanse of floating sea ice which hugs the coast of East Greenland, occasionally drifting across the Greenland Sea to Svalbard even in summer. Luckily, Ocean Albatros boasts Polar Code 6 and Ice Class 1A ratings, making her ideal for all but the thickest Arctic ice. The unique X-Bow design of the hull also offers enhanced stability in rough seas.

Keep your binoculars close at hand as we approach Svalbard. These islands are a haven for wildlife; as we migrate northwards, so do the whales, seals and birds which live on and around this magnificent archipelago during the summer. As we approach Svalbard, we can expect the concentration of wildlife to increase. As we near the continental shelf offshore of Svalbard during our second afternoon at sea, keep watch for the seabirds which come to feed on the abundant plankton which rises to the surface. Once hunted to near-extinction for their oily blubber, the whales which were once rare here these are now staging a comeback and can sometimes be seen off the coast of Svalbard in summer - a true conservation success story!

During the ‘night’ (what is night, when the sun never sets?), our vessel will have repositioned past the saw-toothed mountains of Prins Karls Forland and arrived in magnificent Kongsfjord. Surrounded by craggy mountains, bounded by the magnificent Kongsbreen and Kongvegen Glaciers, and crowned by the Three Crowns (a set of pyramidal mountains said to represent the monarchies of Norway, Sweden and Denmark), this is surely one of the most beautiful and tranquil corners anywhere in the world.

Our first landing will be at the small settlement of Ny Ålesund. Situated further north than Longyearbyen, Ny-Ålesund is Earth's northernmost settlement, if a group of scientific stations, a post office and a single shop open for a few hours can be described as such... You will have to judge for yourself!

These islands' geographical location has made them the staging post for exploratory and scientific expeditions for centuries - a proud legacy which continues to this day. The setting is spectacular, and the scientific projects are as fascinating as the history of the town, which has hosted the Nobile, the Norge and the Fram, Amundsen, Nansen and Nordenskiöld, all legends of polar exploration who passed this lonely outpost seeking to push the boundaries of humanity. The remnants of these expeditions (such as the mooring mast of the Norge) can still be seen today.

One of the largest protected wilderness areas in Europe, North West Svalbard was declared a national park in 1973. The area is famed for its history, which documents some of the earliest human arrivals on Svalbard. While Norse explorers may have sighted these icy shores during the Viking Age, the first definite arrival was the expedition of William Barents, the legendary Dutch explorer for whom the Barents Sea is named. While now protected from human distruption, when Barents arrived in 1596, he noted the vast numbers of whales and seals which were soon prey to English and Dutch whalers, who arrived within a decade of Barents to pillage the area's wildlife. The area occupied the triple point between land, sea and ice, and as such was the perfect location from which to harvest the gentle giants of the oceans.

Sites used to dismember whale carcasses and render them for their precious oil include the Dutch settlement of Smeerenburg, where the remains of 16th Century blubber ovens and building foundations can still be seen. Other sites such as nearby Ytre Norskøya record the darker side of this industrialised slaughter, where hundreds of young men who hoped to make their fortunes are buried thousands of miles from home.

Today, all that remains from this period of history are bones and the scant remnants of human habitation. Slowly reclaimed by creeping Arctic nature, the region is now a anture lovers paradise. Tiny Arctic poppies and purple saxifrage defy the brutal conditions to flower in the brief summer, while geese, eider ducks and other seabirds return to the island to raise their young. Walrus can be found hauled out on beaches, and we must always be on careful lookout for wandering polar bears in this now again wild region. Our experienced Expedition Team will be on contstant lookout for wildlife (including polar bears) throughout the voyage, and we will always inform guests if we spot something exciting!

As we retreat from our voyage's northernmost point, we will set a course for central Spitzbergen. Measuring around 400km in length from north to south, Spitzbergen is the largest island of Svalbard, the archipelago it is synonymous with. The entire island of Spitzbergen experiences a polar tundra climate, with short, cool summers and long, dark, brutally cold winters. Nonetheless, life clings on here, and Svalbard's extraordinary wildlife can be found throughout Spitzbergen.

On our final full day in Svalbard, we will head to wherever offers us the best opportunities for landing, exploration and wildlife experiences, guided by our experienced Expedition Leader and Captain - such is the essence of an Arctic expedition! Perhaps we will find a particularly spectacular glacier, and launch our fleet of Zodiacs to explore the hinterland where ice meets land meets sea. Maybe we will notice a colony of seabirds, or a herd of reindeer, and come ashore to observe them. Or maybe we will be lucky enough to spot a polar bear, king of the Arctic as we cruise along the coastline towards our final destination of Longyearbyen, 'capital' of Svalbard.

During the evening, the Ocean Albatros will reposition to return to the port of Longyearbyen. Even this small town will feel like a metropolis after days of isolation in the wilderness of the Arctic! Longyearbyen contains the world's northernmost... well, nearly everything! This remarkable little city is not only the northernmost town in the world (if one excludes the tiny research community of Ny-Ålesund, slightly further north on Svalbard), but also hosts the world's northernmost civilian airport, schools, bank and supermarket. The town's rugged frontier edge belies a core of warm Nordic hospitality and coziness - 'koseligt' as the Norwegians say! After bidding a fond farewell to the crew and Expedition Team of Ocean Albatros, enjoy some time at leisure to explore Longyearbyen before heading to Svalbard Airport to join your flight back to Oslo- with memories to last a lifetime.


Our journey begins in Aberdeen, Scotland's famous Granite City. The city of Aberdeen is one of the wealthiest in the UK with a long and illustrious history. The modern city grew out of a rich fishing and shipbuilding tradition, and has since become the UK's main port serving the oil and gas industry. The glittering granite buildings for which the city is nicknamed demonstrate the prestige and power of northern Scotland's economic hub.

Our expedition vessel awaits embarkation in the city's bustling harbour, with comfortable staterooms ready to welcome our guests. After our mandatory safety briefings and lifeboat drill, your floating home for the next eleven days will sail out of Aberdeen and chart a course for the ancient Isles of Shetland.

On the morning of the second day of our voyage, Ocean Albatros will arrive at Lerwick on the Mainland of Shetland. The Shetland Islands consist of over a hundred islands, of which only sixteen are inhabited year-round. The islands form the northernmost part of the United Kingdom, located approximately 300 km north of the Scottish mainland.

The history of Shetland dates back to the Neolithic period, and Shetland was part of the Kingdom of Norway until the late 1400s; the Norn language, derived directly from Old Norse was spoken on the islands until the 1850s, peppering the placenames and slang of Shetland with Viking heritage. Norse connections are strong here, from the Shetland flag to the Up Helly Aa Fire Festival, held every year in midwinter. Modern Lerwick is a prosperous, bustling town, which thrives on the oil, gas and green energy industries, and increasingly on tourism. Enjoy a stroll through the town's busy high street, lined with independent shops selling local products, immerse yourself in history at the Shetland Museum and Archives, or watch the local ferries come and go from the busy harbourfront.

An optional coach excursion exploring the highlights of Shetland is offered this day.

Vágur is a small village situated on the windy island of Suðuroy, the southernmost of the Faroe Islands. Being one of the largest and more isolated islands in the archipelago, Suðuroy locals are known for their distinctive language dialect, history, and practical no-nonsense attitude. The village is typically Faroese, with colourful clapboard houses clustered around the village harbour, which sits at the end of a sheltered fjord backed by sweeping layered basalt mountains.

The village of Vágur is first referenced in Norse litarature in 1350, when it was mentioned that several dogs and their owners lived in the area. The village has been a hub for the Faroese fishin industry since, and was the site where Nólsoyar Páll constructed the first Faroese ship in centuries, challenging the long-standing Danish trade monopoly.

Vágur sits amid some of the Faroe Islands most spectacular nature, offering a multitude of opportunities to see these islands' wild side. The large lake Vatnið sits on the edge of the village, and is an excellent spot to see the islands' native bird life - with further oppotunities to birdwatch and learn about the island's fishing history at the nearby coastline of Vágseiðið. A huge number of hiking trails begin in Vágur, including the spectacular trail to Eggjarnar which overlooks the dramatic cliffs of the west coast of Suðuroy, exposed to the raw fury of the North Atlantic. The town also hosts several excellent museums, including the works of local painter Ruth Smith.

We arrive in the early morning at Tórshavn, one of the smallest capitals in the world, ruling the scattered eighteen islands that make up the Faroes. An autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark, the Faroe Islands are situated roughly equidistant from Norway, Iceland and Scotland. 'Føroyar' (as the islands are locally known) is a corruption of the Old Norse roughly meaning 'Sheep Islands', hinting at the island's long sheep farming tradition and Norse roots. The local Faroese language is closely related to Icelandic and Old Norse, and indeed to the Norn language once spoken in Shetland and Orkney (with which the Faroes share ancient historical ties).

While not as cold as nearby Iceland, the Faroe Islands are nonetheless known for their challenging weather, largely due to their isolated location in the North Atlantic - here, the frigid sea rules life, and experiencing four seasons in the same day (or even hour!) is not uncommon. Nonetheless, their northerly location creates long light summer days, and while the weather is rarely warm, the climate is perfect for exploring!

Centred around the grass-roofed Parliament on Tinganes (one of the oldest in the world), Tórshavn - or simply 'Havn' as the locals call it - has a fascinating history. Originally a trading post established by Norwegian kings and operated as a monopoly by the Danish crown, Tórshavn was proclaimed a town in 1866 and has been the capital of the islands ever since. In the aftermath of British occupation during the Second World War, a narrowly contested referendum almost resulted in Faroese independence, after which the islands were granted autonomy.

Today, the Faroes operates as its own nation, excluding foreign affairs, defence and policing (which are handled by Denmark), and Tórshavn is a modern bustling city in miniature. Explore Skansin, the 16th century fort which found a modern use as the British garrison during WWII, experience Faroese culture at the Listasvn Føroya Art Museum, or shop for snuggly woollen goods in the city's many boutique shops. Explore the old Faroes in the city Cathedral, or the new Foroes in the architectural marvel of the Nordic House cultural centre. Alternately, unwind on a sunny terrace on Bryggjubakki (the waterfront area modelled on Copenhagen's famous Nyhavn) and indulge in a fresh local seafood lunch with a view of Tinganes- perhaps with a crisp local beer to match!

An optional coach excursion exploring the highlights of the Faroe Islands is offered this day.

Leaving the Faroe Islands behind, Ocean Albatros will spend a day at sea en route to Jan Mayen, an isolated volcanic island roughly equidistant between Greenland, Svalbard and Iceland. Here, warmer water from the Atlantic meets the cold waters of East Greenland, often producing murky foggy conditions. However, the mixing of currents produces rich waters which nourish the wildlife of the area - from the vast shoals of herring so important to towns like Tórshavn, to the whales which grow more common as we approach the shores of Jan Mayen.

Days at sea are never dull. We will arrange a variety of activities onboard for our guests to enjoy to engage the mind, body and soul. Join your knowledgeable Expedition Team lecturers in the Theatre to hear specially-crafted lectures on local history, wildlife, geology, culture and more, unwind with a massage in the Albatros Polar Spa, or simply watch the seabirds gliding along the ship from our hot tubs as the Ocean Albatros flies across the Arctic Circle into parts unknown.

The active volcanic island of Jan Mayen lies approximately mid-way between Svalbard, Greenland and Iceland. If not exactly in the middle of the Greenland Sea, it is located precisely on the Mid Atlantic Ridge, the reason for its volcanic existence. This enigmatic and isolated island is the only active volcano in Norway, and the northernmost active volcano in the world - although the almost perpetual clouds and fog hovering over the summit can make it hard to spot! The volcanic peak of Mt. Beerenberg reaches 2,277m altitude - making it one of Norway's 300 summits exceeding 2000m.

The island is inhabited by only 18 persons, a mixture of scientists running the meteorological station and Norwegian Military personnel. Subject to strong winds and large swell, landing on this incredibly remote island can be challenging; we will try to go ashore at the narrowest part of the island, from either south or north, depending on the prevailing wind and surf. The volcanic origin of Jan Mayen is visible all over with cinder cones, lava flows and the Mount Fuji-like appearance of Beerenberg looming above. On the bare rock of the shores, creeping tundra plants and squabbling seabirds eek out a living in the extreme polar environment of the island.

From Jan Mayen, we set a northeasterly course, aiming for the high Arctic islands of Svalbard. Situated approximately 800km north of the Norwegian mainland, Svalbard is extremely remote and isolated; Longyearbyen, the islands' "capital" lies only 1200km from the North Pole, 800km closer than Oslo.

Sailing to Svalbard requires a ship capable of handling any ice or rough weather which may be encountered in these northerly seas. To the west of Jan Mayen lies the West Ice, a vast expanse of floating sea ice which hugs the coast of East Greenland, occasionally drifting across the Greenland Sea to Svalbard even in summer. Luckily, Ocean Albatros boasts Polar Code 6 and Ice Class 1A ratings, making her ideal for all but the thickest Arctic ice. The unique X-Bow design of the hull also offers enhanced stability in rough seas.

Keep your binoculars close at hand as we approach Svalbard. These islands are a haven for wildlife; as we migrate northwards, so do the whales, seals and birds which live on and around this magnificent archipelago during the summer. As we approach Svalbard, we can expect the concentration of wildlife to increase. As we near the continental shelf offshore of Svalbard during our second afternoon at sea, keep watch for the seabirds which come to feed on the abundant plankton which rises to the surface. Once hunted to near-extinction for their oily blubber, the whales which were once rare here these are now staging a comeback and can sometimes be seen off the coast of Svalbard in summer - a true conservation success story!

During the ‘night’ (what is night, when the sun never sets?), our vessel will have repositioned past the saw-toothed mountains of Prins Karls Forland and arrived in magnificent Kongsfjord. Surrounded by craggy mountains, bounded by the magnificent Kongsbreen and Kongvegen Glaciers, and crowned by the Three Crowns (a set of pyramidal mountains said to represent the monarchies of Norway, Sweden and Denmark), this is surely one of the most beautiful and tranquil corners anywhere in the world.

Our first landing will be at the small settlement of Ny Ålesund. Situated further north than Longyearbyen, Ny-Ålesund is Earth's northernmost settlement, if a group of scientific stations, a post office and a single shop open for a few hours can be described as such... You will have to judge for yourself!

These islands' geographical location has made them the staging post for exploratory and scientific expeditions for centuries - a proud legacy which continues to this day. The setting is spectacular, and the scientific projects are as fascinating as the history of the town, which has hosted the Nobile, the Norge and the Fram, Amundsen, Nansen and Nordenskiöld, all legends of polar exploration who passed this lonely outpost seeking to push the boundaries of humanity. The remnants of these expeditions (such as the mooring mast of the Norge) can still be seen today.

One of the largest protected wilderness areas in Europe, North West Svalbard was declared a national park in 1973. The area is famed for its history, which documents some of the earliest human arrivals on Svalbard. While Norse explorers may have sighted these icy shores during the Viking Age, the first definite arrival was the expedition of William Barents, the legendary Dutch explorer for whom the Barents Sea is named. While now protected from human distruption, when Barents arrived in 1596, he noted the vast numbers of whales and seals which were soon prey to English and Dutch whalers, who arrived within a decade of Barents to pillage the area's wildlife. The area occupied the triple point between land, sea and ice, and as such was the perfect location from which to harvest the gentle giants of the oceans.

Sites used to dismember whale carcasses and render them for their precious oil include the Dutch settlement of Smeerenburg, where the remains of 16th Century blubber ovens and building foundations can still be seen. Other sites such as nearby Ytre Norskøya record the darker side of this industrialised slaughter, where hundreds of young men who hoped to make their fortunes are buried thousands of miles from home.

Today, all that remains from this period of history are bones and the scant remnants of human habitation. Slowly reclaimed by creeping Arctic nature, the region is now a anture lovers paradise. Tiny Arctic poppies and purple saxifrage defy the brutal conditions to flower in the brief summer, while geese, eider ducks and other seabirds return to the island to raise their young. Walrus can be found hauled out on beaches, and we must always be on careful lookout for wandering polar bears in this now again wild region. Our experienced Expedition Team will be on contstant lookout for wildlife (including polar bears) throughout the voyage, and we will always inform guests if we spot something exciting!

As we retreat from our voyage's northernmost point, we will set a course for central Spitzbergen. Measuring around 400km in length from north to south, Spitzbergen is the largest island of Svalbard, the archipelago it is synonymous with. The entire island of Spitzbergen experiences a polar tundra climate, with short, cool summers and long, dark, brutally cold winters. Nonetheless, life clings on here, and Svalbard's extraordinary wildlife can be found throughout Spitzbergen.

On our final full day in Svalbard, we will head to wherever offers us the best opportunities for landing, exploration and wildlife experiences, guided by our experienced Expedition Leader and Captain - such is the essence of an Arctic expedition! Perhaps we will find a particularly spectacular glacier, and launch our fleet of Zodiacs to explore the hinterland where ice meets land meets sea. Maybe we will notice a colony of seabirds, or a herd of reindeer, and come ashore to observe them. Or maybe we will be lucky enough to spot a polar bear, king of the Arctic as we cruise along the coastline towards our final destination of Longyearbyen, 'capital' of Svalbard.

During the evening, the Ocean Albatros will reposition to return to the port of Longyearbyen. Even this small town will feel like a metropolis after days of isolation in the wilderness of the Arctic! Longyearbyen contains the world's northernmost... well, nearly everything! This remarkable little city is not only the northernmost town in the world (if one excludes the tiny research community of Ny-Ålesund, slightly further north on Svalbard), but also hosts the world's northernmost civilian airport, schools, bank and supermarket. The town's rugged frontier edge belies a core of warm Nordic hospitality and coziness - 'koseligt' as the Norwegians say! After bidding a fond farewell to the crew and Expedition Team of Ocean Albatros, enjoy some time at leisure to explore Longyearbyen before heading to Svalbard Airport to join your flight back to Oslo- with memories to last a lifetime.


12-day/11-night cruise on Ocean Albatros in a shared outside double stateroom with a private bathroom in the category chosen
English-speaking expedition staff
Near-port walks with the expedition team
Nature hikes and Zodiac cruises per itinerary
Information briefings and lectures by the expedition team
Special photo workshop
Full board on the ship
Dinner drink package
Free coffee, tea, and afternoon snacks on the ship
Welcome and Farewell cocktails
Taxes, tariffs, and landing fees
Digital visual journal link after the voyage, including voyage log, gallery, species list, and more


Optional Transfer Package: Flights between Longyearbyen - Oslo and Group Transfer between the vessel and Longyearbyen Airport. To be booked 11 months prior to departure at additional cost.
International flights
Extra excursions and activities not mentioned in the itinerary
Single room supplement and cabin upgrades
Meals not on board the ship
Beverages (other than coffee and tea and dinner-drink package)
Tips for the crew (we recommend USD 16 per person per day)
Personal expenses
Transfer to the ship in Aberdeen
Travel, cancellation, and senior insurance
Anything not mentioned under ’Inclusions’

Dates & Rates

Ship: Ocean Albatros 2025 | Date: 26 May 2025 - 06 Jun 2025 (2803)
G- Single
F- Triple
Premium Suite
Family Suite

* The prices are per person in US Dollars, unless expressly specified in a different currency. In that case, payment will be in US dollars at the exchange rate of the day.
** All prices will be re-confirmed by email at the time of booking.
NOTE: Embracing the unexpected is part of the legacy—and excitement—of expedition travel. When traveling in extremely remote regions, your expedition staff must allow the sea, the ice and the weather to guide route and itinerary details. This itinerary is a tentative outline of what you’ll experience on this voyage; please be aware that no specific itinerary can be guaranteed.


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